I'm Back
So, while Mark's daily travels have become much shorter, mine have become much longer. The beginning of my final year of grad school has begun and with it comes the busiest schedule I think we have had yet. I still travel two days a week to G-boro (45 minutes) for classes and get to carpool with a good friend - until she gets this fab new job she has applied for. I will be sad to lose her company those two days, but I am really hoping she gets this great new opportunity. The other three days of the week I travel with two classmates to Salisbury (45-60 minutes each way, depending on traffic) for my internship at the VA Medical Center. My first semester I will be working with their Community Care Home Telehealth program and I have a fantastic supervisor. I already went on two home visits with her yesterday and really enjoyed the time we had with the clients there. My second semester will be in the Geriatric Psych unit and I am also looking forward to that. So, there will be a great deal of traveling this year as well.....just not out of the States. :( Mark also started a new job this week that he is really excited about and now he only has to travel about ten minutes to work, instead of the 45 he has been driving.
We took an overnight trip to the mountains last weekend to visit some friends, which was nice, and there will be some adventures to some other places this fall, but for now we are trying to settle in to our new routine. I think the animals are sad not to have mommy around during the day anymore, but I am sure they will adjust. :) Stay tuned!
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