Home Again
I am finally home! It was a long journey yesterday and I can't say that I want to get on a plane again for quite a while. Scotland was absoultely wonderful and I hope to go back someday, hopefully with Mark. I felt incredibly guilty going off traveling by myself, but I think its something I wanted to make sure I did before we have kids. When I got home last night, my "kids" were waiting for me and I have enjoyed their company all day today. We watched some Pink Panther movies and Family Guy episodes today and I have atttempted to sort through and lable all of my pictures.

Ralph and OD

Ellie and Molly
I have the next 5 days to rest up before I go back to my babysitting job on Wednesday. Then another 5 weeks or so to mentally prepare for the next semester.
Here are a few more pictures from the trip:

The pub in London where Paul McCartney met his wife.

The Tower of London.

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